Module 6: Slideshows

Lesson on Strategic Analysis

The lesson takes the students through the concept of strategic analysis and touches upon five key tools that corporates use to analyse their business and other conditions, that gives them enough data and information to formulate an effective strategy. In specific, the objective of this slideshow is to get the students familiar with Porter’s Five Force Analysis.

The slideshow file

For this slideshow, I chose the Marina template which gave a simple structure and a pleasant colour palette. I chose all colours for different shapes from the standard palette for this template.

Icons and images were chosen to visually represent the different terms used for different tools being discussed to create a visual connection. These images were animated in sequence to hold the students’ attention to the sub-topic being discussed and be able to string all the topics to the whole.

A video and a couple of real-life analysis were also added to aid in quick reference later, although these links were also provided in the handout file.

Hand-out file

Here are the detailed notes for the lesson.

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