Module 3: Mind Mapping

Mind map for teaching

More often than not, I prefer to discuss concepts in class by eliciting opinions and thoughts from the class. And frequently, I get several valid points, not mentioned in the prescribed text books; and I love that as it bring out students’ analytical abilities. I put all these are put on the blackboard, usually in a mind map format. Students have found it easy to link the various concepts. most of which they encounter for the first time, and are able to review the material effectively.

With the digital tool, it just makes it so much easier to edit and add, something that one cannot do on paper owing to space constraints. Also, it was fascinating to be able to add links that provides the opportunity to reach detailed information for quick reference.

The assignment

The task was to put all of the marketing mix elements and other relevant topics of marketing strategy, so that an entire unit on marketing is brought together into one diagram, minimising study / review time before tests / examinations. However, to begin with, the students’ understanding of the marketing mix is automatically put to test and drawing the mind map will ensure a comprehensive grasp of the sub-topics.

Here is the basic level of detail required to be put in by the students:

The Sketchboard sample

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